Consider that you are preparing for a party at your home. There are several tasks to be done. Walls are to be decorated, plates are to be washed, food is to be made ready and you may need an extra shoe rack for guests to leave their footwear. Most probably, you do not do everything alone. You get the help of the members of your household. In fact if the load is too much, then you even ask your friends for help.
When more people work on the tasks for organising a party, you get multiple things done parallely. But with more participation comes the need for co-ordination and communication. Some of the tasks may be related to each other, e.g. someone who has promised to wipe washed dishes and stack them on your shelf will need the one who washes dishes to complete his/her task first. Usually, one of the participating persons needs to stay on top of what gets done and who does what. He/she is like the captain of a sports team. When everyone smoothly communicates the status of his/her tasks and one or two persons are aware of each task’s status, things go on quite well despite the complexity.
Modern computers work the same way. They have multiple processors capable of executing multiple things at the same time. Even a single modern processor performs time slicing, i.e. divides its attention among several processes / threads at the same time. Processes need to communicate among each other. For this, they use a system called a message queue.
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